MI 3201 TeraOhm 5 kV Plus

• power transformers
• high voltage cables
• rotating machines
• surge arrestors
• measuring transducers
Key Features:
• Diagnostic tools - Polarization index (PI), Dielectric discharge
(DD) and Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR) with automated
resistance ranging.
All parameters can be measured and displayed in one single measurement.
• Step voltage test - Insulation resistance will be measured at five different, equality sequenced test voltages for profound insulation system diagnostics.
• R(t) graph - Real time resistance against time graph plotting facility to graphically illustrate the response of a material to an applied test voltage.
• High charging capacity - With 5 mA charging current insulation systems up to 50 μF can be quickly charged and tested.
• High EM (noise) immunity - Built in noise rejection filters and shielded test leads supplied in a standard set make the instrument suitable for accurate insulation testing in environments with high EM interferences like HV switchyards or similar.
• High protection level - CAT IV / 600 V overvoltage category for industrial environments.
• Lightweight and user-friendly design - TeraOhm 5 kV Plus is packed in a handy, rugged carrying case weighing only 3 kg.
The new TeraOhm 5 kV Plus insulation tester has all necessary features for a profound insulation diagnostics. Automated calculation of PI, DD and DAR,combined with a possibility to perform a step voltage test make the instrument suitable for the most demanding customers and applications.
Large LCD display allows real time R(t) graphs to be displayed. Windows compatible HVLink PRO PC Software and either RS232 or USB communications ports serve for connecting the instrument to the PC and management of the recorded test data.
Technical Specifications and Accessories:
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