Key Features:
Suitable for both in-service and factory/laboratory PD testing.
For all types of MV, HV and EHV assets including cables, switchgear, transformers and rotating machines.
Voltage range from 3.3 kV to 750 kV.
Short-term OLPD monitoring of up to 48 hours.
Synchronous, wideband (0–200 MHz), 4-channel data acquisition.
Intelligent event recognition differentiates between noise and RF interference from PD activity.
Data acquisition using the PDGold© v8 software and EventRecogniser© module.
Diagnostics and report generation with the PDReader© v8 software. PD site location on long cables with On-line Cable Mapping*.
*PDMap© v8 expansion software module and HVPD Portable Transponder System required.
Detects the early stages of insulation deterioration, providing an early warning against HV insulation faults.
Helps to avoid unplanned outages.
Typical diagnostic OLPD spot-test time of 10 minutes per asset.
Supplied with HVPD's 12-month data analysis (50x free files) and reporting service package.
Provided with tailored training to meet customers requirements.
Available with a wide range of PD sensors for multi-application testing and voltage levels.
Diagnostic OLPD Spot Testing:
Compatible Sensors
Rogowski Coil
Bushing Tap
The PDGold© software from HVPD provides
high definition PD signal acquisition.
It is designed specifically for the HVPD
Longshot™ PD Diagnostic System which can
acquire large amounts of data with more
precision than other test units.
The PDGold© v8 software captures several
power cycles of data in a loop, extracting and
saving the relevant PD events which can be
later analysed in the PDReader© v8 data
analysis and report generation software.
The PDReader© software uses an integrated
PD EventRecogniser© module to scan the
power cycle duration traces and extract short
duration, high frequency pulses are the
classified as Cable PD, Local Equipment PD,
and Noise, using knowledge-rule based
The data analysis is straightforward and can
be performed on any Microsoft® Windows®
based workstation or laptop.
The software allows the user to generate full
and summary reports in a flash with a single